MAXBDL25 At the beginning of my welcome screen I put [NotOnToday][acs 100][mex]M\MAXBDL25 I run a Maint.bat at my 12:00 Binkley event. and let it time out. Binkley.evt Event ALL 00:00 00:00 F E1=90 E2=20 E3=30 ; Forced IF Errorlevel 90 IF NOT Errorlevel 91 Goto SCRCHG :SCRCHG CALL C:\MAX\MAXKIT\MNITE Goto BEXELOOP MNITE.BAT ECHO. ECHO MidNight Maintaince... ECHO. :: CALL C:\MAX\LLIST\LL FL I use Llist to make file list etc.. :: This is the line that Makes the birth day screen on my BBS. For %%c in (C: CD\Max) DO %%c MAX -k "-jGerry Ellison;y;PassWord" This program will can be set to make a file where you want it. The default is C:\Max\Maxkit\Birthlst When run, it deletes the old Birthday list. Then if any users have birthdays it makes the new list, other wise there is no blank list made. [mex]M\MAXBDL25 - Will print to con and make list. [mex]Maxkit\MAXBDL25_NOCON - or anything will only make the list. This file is contained in MAXKIT25. The magic name MAXKIT should get it from 1:108/107 else try MAXKIT25.ARJ